Honeycolor.com - Angelic Eye Mesmerize Blue

1:20 AM

Honeycolor.com - Angelic Eye Mesmerize Blue

I used Angelic Eye Mesermize in Blue for my Galaxy freckles makeup look!

More on this look and the circle lens after the break!

I've been seeing Galaxy freckles all over instagram and fell in love!
I have freckles and I'm so happy that freckles are a thing to the point of people faking them! And even better, this one includes space!

First I used NYX Jumbo Pencil in Milk on my real freckles area, under the eyes, up onto the nose bridge, and to the other eye. I think that w shape gives it the freckles feel.

After that area is canvased and ready, I just went into with wet pigments/eyeshadows, mostly SugarPill loose shadows!

There's no technique, just randomly splotch it on. 
When I was happy with that, I went in with a small brush and loaded it up with the same NYX jumbo pencil in Milk - white and started drawing crosses and dots for stars.

That's it! I went back in with some irridescent white to make a milky way feel and make it more pastel. I added lashes and a blue eyeshadow just to complete the feel.

The wig is from GothicLolitaWigs.com and I believe it's called a triflect.

Mini GothicLolitaWigs CosplayWigsUSA RockStarWigsUSA review:

I have so many wigs and I'm bad at taking care of them. The back it a little tangled but what I love about their wigs is even after brushing, they don't stretch out and lose shape, they don't turn shiny and plasticy- they keep their form and don't look cheap! There's a reason I'd spring for these slightly more expensive wigs. (Just remember, the free shipping to Hawaii take A WHOLE MONTH. ORDER AHEAD!)

Back to the lens!

These are crystal looking - which I prefer. The enlarging is big, but the color is so transparent and the design is so sparse that you can really see where it's extending past your real iris. 

It's up to you if you like that or not, but I think it gives a surreal glazed-over type of look. 

I'd call this look: Goddess

I think from now on, when I review circle lens I'm gonna pick a word to describe the "look and feel". 
The Sesame gray Princess Mimi's would be "sultry" 
These are "mesmerized" just as they say!

Honeycolor.com - Angelic Eye Mesmerize Blue

Better than average, I like the crystal look of the design. It's subtly but makes you look glazed and ... idk like a goddess or surreal ethereal creature! Decide for yourself by the photos haha.

They are comfortable, not the most comfortable but I wasn't crying the whole time just trying to get the shoot over with like I sometimes am with other lens.

Enlarging is good, you can see where it extends past your eye, but it adds to the surreal-ness of them. 

I hope to review more circle lens for you in the future!

What did you think of these lenses?
Should I try more Kawaii makeup trends in the future?

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